
class ctyped.library.Library(name: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, autoload: bool = True, prefix: Optional[str] = None, str_type: Type[ctyped.types.CastedTypeBase] = <class 'ctyped.types.CChars'>, int_bits: Optional[int] = None, int_sign: Optional[bool] = None)

Main entry point to describe C library interface.

Basic usage:

lib = Library('mylib')

with lib.scope(prefix='mylib_'):

    def my_func():

  • name – Shared library name or filepath.
  • autoload – Load library just on Library object initialization.
  • prefix

    Function name prefix to apply to functions in the library.

    Useful when C functions have common prefixes.

  • str_type

    Type to represent strings.

    • CChars - strings as chars (ANSI) default
    • CCharsW - strings as wide chars (UTF)


    This setting is global to library. Can be changed on function definition level.

  • int_bits

    int length to use by default.

    Possible values: 8, 16, 32, 64


    This setting is global to library. Can be changed on function definition level.

  • int_sign

    Flag. Whether to use signed (True) or unsigned (False) ints.


    This setting is global to library. Can be changed on function definition level.


Deduces ctypes argument and result types from Python type hints, binding those types to ctypes functions.

cls(*, prefix: Optional[str] = None, str_type: Optional[ctyped.types.CastedTypeBase] = None, int_bits: Optional[int] = None, int_sign: Optional[bool] = None)

Class decorator. Allows common parameters application for class methods.

@lib.cls(prefix='common_', str_type=CCharsW)
class Wide:

    def get_utf(some: str) -> str:
  • prefix – Function name prefix to apply to functions under the manager.
  • str_type – Type to represent strings.
  • int_bits – int length to be used in function.
  • int_sign – Flag. Whether to use signed (True) or unsigned (False) ints.
f(name_c: Union[str, Callable, None] = None, *, wrap: bool = False, str_type: Optional[ctyped.types.CastedTypeBase] = None, int_bits: Optional[int] = None, int_sign: Optional[bool] = None) → Callable

Shortcut for .function().

function(name_c: Union[str, Callable, None] = None, *, wrap: bool = False, str_type: Optional[ctyped.types.CastedTypeBase] = None, int_bits: Optional[int] = None, int_sign: Optional[bool] = None) → Callable

Decorator to mark functions which exported from the library.

  • name_c – C function name with or without prefix (see .scope(prefix=)). If not set, Python function name is used.
  • wrap

    Do not replace decorated function with ctypes function, but with wrapper, allowing pre- or post-process ctypes function call.

    Useful to organize functions to classes (to automatically pass self) to ctypes function to C function.

    class Thing(CObject):
        def one(self, some: int) -> int:
            # Implicitly pass Thing instance alongside
            # with explicitly passed `some` arg.
        def two(self, some:int, cfunc: Callable) -> int:
            # `cfunc` is a wrapper, calling an actual ctypes function.
            # If no arguments provided the wrapper will try detect them
            # automatically.
            result = cfunc()
            return result + 1
  • str_type

    Type to represent strings.


    Overrides the same named param from library level (see __init__ description).

  • int_bits

    int length to be used in function.


    Overrides the same named param from library level (see __init__ description).

  • int_sign

    Flag. Whether to use signed (True) or unsigned (False) ints.


    Overrides the same named param from library level (see __init__ description).


Loads shared library.

m(name_c: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Shortcut for .method().

method(name_c: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Decorator. The same as .function() with wrap=True.

s = None

Shortcut for .scope().

sniff() → ctyped.sniffer.SniffResult

Sniffs the library for symbols.

Sniffing result can be used as ‘ctyped’ code generator.

structure(*, pack: Optional[int] = None, str_type: Optional[ctyped.types.CastedTypeBase] = None, int_bits: Optional[int] = None, int_sign: Optional[bool] = None)

Class decorator for C structures definition.

class MyStruct:

    first: int
    second: str
    third: 'MyStruct'
  • pack – Allows custom maximum alignment for the fields (as #pragma pack(n)).
  • str_type – Type to represent strings.
  • int_bits – int length to be used in function.
  • int_sign – Flag. Whether to use signed (True) or unsigned (False) ints.